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Chapter 3: Custom View

In this chapter you will learn how to add a custom view – in our case a listing of Todo Items.

View class

Let’s start by adding the view class. You can go to tutorial.todoapp repo on GitHub and copy over code from src/tutorial/todoapp/todo.py to your local computer or just use git:

$ git branch --track chapter3 origin/chapter3  # tell git what chapter 3 is
$ git checkout chapter3 src/tutorial/todoapp/todo.py

We also need to tell Plone to display this view in the display drop-down menu for Folders so we will later be able to set our view as a default display view for our Todo folder. Let’s do that by using git to get a version of Folder.xml and put it in src/tutorial/todoapp/profiles/default/types.

$ git checkout chapter3 src/tutorial/todoapp/profiles/default/types/Folder.xml

View template

Now that we have a class we can also add the template. Go to tutorial.todoapp repo on GitHub and copy over code from src/tutorial/todoapp/templates/todo.pt to your local computer or, again, use git.

$ git checkout chapter3 src/tutorial/todoapp/templates/todo.pt

The template uses the ZPT syntax, read more about it here.

Static resources

The template displays different icons for different workflow states of your Todo Items. We need to add these icons to your package:

  1. Download open.png and completed.png from GitHub (they are in src/tutorial/todoapp/static) into a new folder on your local computer: src/tutorial/todoapp/static. You can use git again if you don’t like manual work.

    $ git checkout chapter3 src/tutorial/todoapp/static
  2. Tell Zope that this static folder contains static resources (icons, CCS files, JavaScript files, etc.) by adding the following lines to src/tutorial/todoapp/configure.zcml inside the <configure tag:

    <!-- Publish static files -->
        directory="static" />

After restarting your Zope server, files in your static folder will be available on a standard URL: http://localhost:8080/Plone/++resource++tutorial.todoapp/<filename>

Try it out

Because the XML configuration of our product has change, we need to reinstall the product. This is accomplished by deactivating and reactivating the product. Navigate to the add-ons manager or go directly to http://localhost:8080/Plone/@@overview-controlpanel.


Deactivate the tutorial.todoapp product, and then reactivate it.

_images/deactivate.jpg _images/reactivate.jpg

Note that every time you make a change to the xml files, by exporting or manual edit, you must reactivate the product for the changes to take effect!

Now, we apply the new view to the folder holding our todo items. Navigate to the folder you created in chapter 1, and update the display.




If the de-activate / activate does not work you may need to restart Plone instance to see the changes.


Cool, so you have verified that your code works through the browser and it’s time to add tests to make sure your code keeps on working in the future.

First add the following snippet to test_setup.py to verify that your Folders have the todo view on the Display drop-down menu.

# types/Folder.xml
def test_folder_available_layouts(self):
    """Test that our custom display layout (@@todo) is available on folder.

    Also make sure that layouts that come with Plone out-of-the-box are
    also still there.
    layouts = self.portal.folder.getAvailableLayouts()
    layout_ids = [id for id, title in layouts]

    # out-of-the-box layouts are still there
    self.assertIn('folder_listing', layout_ids)
    self.assertIn('folder_summary_view', layout_ids)
    self.assertIn('folder_tabular_view', layout_ids)
    self.assertIn('atct_album_view', layout_ids)
    self.assertIn('folder_full_view', layout_ids)

    # our custom one
    self.assertIn('todo', layout_ids)

If you haven’t already downloaded it, add a new test module: test_todo_view.py. Download it from GitHub, put and it in your tests folder and run tests. Feel free to fiddle around with it to see what it does. As always, you can use git to get the file.

$ git checkout chapter3 src/tutorial/todoapp/tests/test_todo_view.py


If something goes wrong you can always go to GitHub and see how the code for chapter 3 should look like and compare this to what you have on your local machine.